Seneng Karo Wadon Langsong Tak Entot


A dongeng saka jinis utawa crita diwasa, lan kedadean iku dening Express karo wuda sidelines foto model pemotreran sesi. Punika crita lengkap! Kula kanca anyar paling apik lan photographer amatir, Nanging gumantung pawon kebak nglanggar gambar. Uga gedhe kanggo bandha kamera 3 wiji kang bisa gawé gambar kang Indah2. cukup ngagetne amarga durung dikenal nanging urip cukup mewah, paling 1BMW sanajan ora seri
pungkasan kajawi kidang asring digunakake wong kanggo pindhah saindhenging looking for a obyek foto materi. Bojoné Laura sing ayu, banget Photogenic, nanging aku luwih seneng kanggo ndeleng iku minangka wanita sensual lan voluptuous. Jujur Aku kerep muter marang house amarga wong wanted kanggo ngerti liyane karo photography, nanging bener Aku glancing ing awak ayu. Amarga iku cukup cedhak karo pungkasan kang ngaku yen dheweke diwenehake foto,
kang dikategorikaké X alus kanggo konsumsi majalah jaban rangkah. Overseas pancene disenengi amarga awak wadon asian skinned luwih resik lan sehat looking, werna coklat banget erotis mripate wong njaba negoro. Sawise aku diundang kanggo studio pribadi kanggo njupuk gambar saka soft X alesan aku bisa sinau teknik cahya. Ketoke sing model laki-laki kang digunakake ana Bule Australia. Lan model wadon sing dhewe !!!
Aku bingung kanggo ndeleng, lan Adi esem ing sandi pasuryan sing nyuwun Tanya. : “Hehehe aja kaget Don, bojoku iku mung-gaya ing ngarep kamera, ora Jago lan maneh ing foto mengko nuduhake ora alat penting ing kabeh. Bojoku wis ngagem peralatan protèktif uga wong. Wangsulan: Bab ingkang wigatos ing mriki inggih seni kang. Sampeyan kudu bisa kanggo ndeleng saka sisih of Art kang … .OK? Aku wonder tenan, carane bisa kang ora cemburu.
“Mas ora tau cemburu kula tumindak kaya, yen aku isih ok ok mung. Sawise kabeh, iku mung kanggo seni. Lan maneh aku seneng seneng wrote ing padha ngrangkul ngrangkul cute wong kaya sing … Ko madu tengen? Laura ngandika, winking ing Bojone ngiwa kanggo Adi. “Ok Laura teka ing, sampeyan kudu langsung Stylized minangka kita wis rembugan iki esuk.” Giyak Adi kanggo Laura sing langsung njupuk
mati iku sandhangan ing ngajeng kula. Kula pasuryan ngrasa panas amarga aku ora digunakake kanggo ningali wong wadon wuda ing ngajeng kula katon cetha. Kanthi ora kikuk, dheweke nyekel Bule, lan tenang Laura nyekeli pubic ing Bule, nyatane luwih cocok kanggo remet gagang lan siap dadi apik gayane minangka dheweke lisan. “Tindakan !!” sawetara kelip-kelip kelip-kelip lampu digawe kula éling kanggo langsung nyetel posisi.
Laura ber Su sabanjuré doggy style, buta Temporal mbendung Bule diarahake menyang dheweke tempek ana merak. Su selanjut Posisi tenan ndadekake kula mupeng … ngelu. Adi tenan wonder ora ing kabeh cemburu. “Ayo … Seni iki … sampeyan kudu bedain Art karo pornografi” Adi bola-bali diterangno. Art neraka … aku pornografi iki. Don, aku kudu model wong Asian, aku pas kula, badanmu iku cantik apik, Tampong loe uga ora nguciwani. Loe pengin?
Lan katon tren maneh asia ing Eropah. Aku sebutno akèh pesenan, Cukup nganti saiki wis ora wis bisa kanggo model wong cocok. Ana ora gawe piala ing nyoba … loe. F (swara thit) k … umm Aku ora tau tutul cah wadon Di..ah elu mengkono tho nawarin kula … lan maneh aku ora sedhep dong ing dheweke … “” Mas Don mikirnya Saya sih..kan kita mengkono … kok ampun kita nyoba aja yuk .. “Dheweke langsung ditarik sandi tangan.
Nanging yen sampeyan ora bisa akeh banget kru, aku ora menowo mudo ing ngarepe wong sanadyan. “Ora nemen Cukup telung kita wrote, sampeyan bisa duwe lampu ngatur tetenger setelan toolbar, aku mung sworo seru sworo seru aja mah ..” ngandika Adi. Crazy eh … amben supaya romantis, interior Ko Ko pemandangan banget prewangan pemandangan sing kita badhe nindakaken. “Uh … nuwun sewu
… ummm Laura neh jujur aku wis tau girl deket, Kejabi wong normal sandi, nyoba kanggo mriksa iku wis apa-apa aku wis mbalela neehh” aku whispered. “Spetimu crita neeh prawan” dheweke nggoda, “mas kalem, Aku bakal ngene sampeyan ora nglilani Kangenband cute iku … er siji ding, ayu diaktifake metu gedhe ya.lebih banget amba saka got mas Adi.” Aku grinned, kroso sandi pasuryan panas munggah. “Tindakan !!”
Adi surak saka kamar Teras. Piye wae Adi njupuk sudhut adoh dheweke. Mungkin kang kepengin kabeh interior menyang pigura gambar, utawa kepengin kang Gambar dipigura lawang kamar, aku ora ngerti … Ing sesuai skenarion kita wis rembugan aku miwiti kanggo njupuk posisi, dheweke turu ing amben nalika aku iki nyekeli sikil, gagah duwe jinis karo gaya conventional . 2-3 mili pemandangan tenan digawe kula ngelu,
utamané Laura kang tumindak tenan alam. Kadhangkala wong sengojo tutul utawa sijine dheweke sirah ing sandi pupu lan lambé Cukup 5 cm saka batangku basa. Sakbenere aku dying kanggo tahan supaya ora iwak sotong. Nanging mesthi ora bisa suwé, aku ‘d luwih apik pass ing kanggo dheweke tinimbang sing kedadean wadhi mengkene, ing paling ora kudu kaget yen sing mengkono. “Laura … uh …” Kula swara iki serak.
“Hmmm aku apologize ing advance yen aku bakal ..sorry ora kuwat aku wis tau seheboh iki.” “Mas Calm … mengko yen sampeyan pengin njaluk metu cepet ngomong ya ..” dheweke whispered minangka dheweke dicokot basa batangku menyantuh. “Coba doggy style online Panjenengan, Laura sampeyan sakcara madhep kamera” Adi kawartakake saka kadohan. Mas sepi …
tempelin wrote iku nggoleki tenan. Eh dipindhah protèktif wrote iku supaya felt alam. “Laura whispered kedher. Hmmm apa dheweke panginten mesum sethitik takon Tanya. Aku nylempitake batangku ing sidelines sak thigh karo posisi doggy style. AAAHH edan dadi metu dheweke bener pinning batangku karo dheweke pupu. Anget miss Kawaii tenan digawe kula chills. “Tindakan … ahhh Laura ngadhepi akting kurang alam, mbaleni …
monggo. Don sampeyan ora bisa akting apik? Ok tumindak !!! Ah kowe carane omelan, periode gampang akting dadi ora bisa … Ayo Laura … akeh .. !!! profesional dong !!! Adi grumble grumble. We kudu ngrebut nganti 5 kaping kanggo pemandangan sing padha. “Ahhhh mas Adi ,, Aku kesel dong bola maneh kene !! “Laura protested. Kanthi frown dheweke njupuk posisi sing luwih isih karo doggy style: “Eh mas Don,
pemandangan iki yuukk nyoba kanggo kanthi ngormati. Mas Don miturut Laura wrote iku bebarengan. “” Ok Tindakan !! “matur Adi. Dumadakan Laura batangku nyedhaki menarik lan ngagetne iku dipencet pupu nganggo sikilé, mesthi pangareping batangku ndhesek tempek dheweke anget. “Cukup sijine Adi mas mas … ora katon nemen … mlebu Cepet-cepet mas …” dheweke whispered. Amarga aku kapandeng doubtful, dheweke langsung nyekel batangku tangan lan dipencet diketik. Laura langsung trumpeted, ngerti batangku kalebu gedhe. Miturut obah awak pesti,
batangku metu menyang Kawaii kantun kakehan, digawe terkaget cingak, bristling ndredheg awak. Iku nguripake metu supaya ngrasa nggawe katresnan. “Get metu rodo cepet ketik mas … ayo … iku nggoleki tenan …” dheweke whispered urgently karo groan tipis, untu dicokot sethitik dheweke ngisor lip .. “Good !!! tumindak becik .. !!! Iki jeneng profesional anyar !! Adi kawartakake saka kadohan. “” Sepi Don mas, mas Adi … ora ngerti yen nyata entri. Abis kang duka …
duka mung rada kasim dong please … rodo cepet ahhh ahhh ndukung mas..ayo nalika squeezing sandi dodo ahhh … “dheweke miwiti Film. “Laura … .ooooh … saestu apik banget … waduh ..gimana neeeh yen metu …” aku whispered frantically. Keluarin wrote ing istana mas … iku nggoleki … ahhh DELICIOUS sehhh wis Don..ayo mas mas kurang dipencet … Laura moaned. Amarga iku wis diwenehi ijin aku ora ragu-ragu sperma iwak sotong ing. Crazy !! Iku ngrasa luar biasa. “Ahhh wis ora prawan maneh neeh” Laura mesem.
“Iku misale jek kita terus sawise iki ..” dheweke murmured. “Mas Adiiii … break metu sampean … Aku pengin nguyuh !!!” Dheweke mlayu menyang mburi supaya sperma sing ora nyawiji nang metu. Nalika aku mung gawking terkaget kaget kanggo ndeleng gerakan kanthi cepet. Rush aku ditarik saka andhuk watara kula nutupi batangku udan. “Ok … kita cuwil-cuwil iku abis luwih ya !!!” Adi said …: “Eh Don kok pasuryan bulak loe supaya …? Loe ora nganti ejaculation tengen? Aku Cut ing Asal-Usul nganti iwak sotong loe yen bojoku .. “ngandika Adi jokingly. Khinache Adi … nyoba yen ngerti ….
A tale of sex or adult story, an incident is by express with a naked model photo sidelines pemotreran session. Here’s the full story! My new best friend is an amateur photographer, nevertheless relies kitchen full of smoke the picture. Also great to capitalize camera 3 seed he can produce drawings which indah2. quite surprising because he is not yet known but quite luxurious life, at least 1BMW although not the last
series alongside the deer are often used him to go around looking for a material object photograph. His wife Laura are beautiful, very photogenic, but I prefer to see it as a sensual and voluptuous women. Honestly I often play to his house because he wanted to know more with photography, but actually I like glancing at her beautiful body. Because it is quite close to the end he admitted that he supplied the photos, which categorized soft X for consumption overseas magazines. Overseas really liked because skinned asian female body is more clean and healthy looking,
very erotic brown color the eyes of foreigners. Once I was invited to his private studio to help take pictures of soft X is the reason I can learn lighting techniques. Apparently the male model he used was Australian Caucasians. And female models are his own !!! I was confused to see it, and Adi smiling at my face that asks Tanya. : “Hehehe do not be surprised Don, my wife’s just-style in front of a camera, not a coitus and again in later photos showed no vital tool at all.
My wife is wearing protective equipment as well as the guy. The important thing here is his art. You should be able to see from the side of his Art … .ok? I wonder really, how could he not jealous. “Mas did not ever jealous of me acting like that, if I myself still ok ok only. After all, it’s just for art. And again I’m happy happy wrote in the same hug hug cute guy like that … Ko right honey? Laura said, winking at her husband left to Adi. “Ok Laura come on, you must
immediately stylized as we’ve discussed this morning.” Shouts Adi to Laura who immediately took off her clothes in front of me. My face feels hot because I’m not used to seeing a woman naked in front of me clear appearance. With no awkward, she grabbed the Caucasians, and calmly Laura holding pubic the Caucasians, in fact more appropriate to squeeze the stem and are ready to be stylish as her oral. “Action !!” some flashes flashing lights made me realize to
immediately adjust the position. Laura ber next position doggy style, temporal giant stem the Caucasians are directed to her vagina was beautiful. Position selanjut position really makes me mupeng … dizzy. Adi really wonder not at all jealous. “Come on … this Art … you should bedain Art with pornography” Adi repeatedly explained. Art hell … I think this pornography. Don, I need to model the Asian guy, I think you fit me, your body is pretty good,
tampong loe also not disappoint. Loe want it? And look again asia trends in Europe. I mention a lot of orders, Just until now have not been able to model a suitable guy. There’s no harm in trying … loe. F (beep) k … umm I do not ever touch the girl Di..ah elu doing anyway nawarin me … and again I do not tasty dong at her … “” Mas Don mikirnya ngeres sih..kan we doing … why dont we try aja yuk .. “She immediately pulled my hand.
But if you can not be too many crew, I’m not familiar nude in front of the guy though. “Not really Just the three of us wrote, you could have the lights ngatur, I just snap snap aja mah ..” said Adi. Crazy eh … so romantic bed, interior Ko Ko very supportive scene scenes that we would do. “Uh … sorry … ummm Laura neh honest I’ve never deket girl, besides my normal guy, try to check it has not been anything I’ve rebelled neehh” I whispered.
“Yeee virgin neeh story” she teased, “calm mas, I’ll teach you not let the cute blingsatan it … er one ding, cutie turned out great too big ya.lebih of got mas Adi.” I grinned, feeling my face heat up. “Action !!” Adi Shouts from the terrace room. Somehow Adi take her far corner. Maybe he wants the whole interior into the picture frame,
or he wants his picture framed door of the room, I do not know … In accordance skenarion we already discussed I started to take a position, she slept on the bed while I was holding her legs, pretending to have sex with a conventional style . 2-3 flowing scene really made me dizzy, especially Laura’s acting really natural. Sometimes he intentionally touch or put her head on my thighs
and lips Just a 5 cm from the base batangku. Frankly I’m dying to withstand in order not to squirt. But of course it could not last long, I think I’d better pass on to her than that embarrassing incident arises, at least he does not need to be surprised if that happens. “Laura Laura … uh …” My voice is hoarse. “Hmmm I apologize in advance if I shall not strong ..sorry I’ve never seheboh this.” “Calm mas … home later if you want to get out cepet say yes ..”
she whispered as she bit menyantuh batangku base. “Try your air doggy style, Laura you straight facing the camera” Adi shouted from a distance. Quiet mas … tempelin wrote it was fine really. Eh its removable protective wrote it so it felt natural. “Laura whispered vibrate. Hmmm whether she thought a little horny asked Tanya. I tuck batangku on the sidelines during his thigh with the doggy style position. Aaahh crazy turns out she actually pinning batangku with her thighs. Warmth miss Vnya really made me chills. “Action …
ahhh Laura you face less natural acting, repeat … please. Don you can not be good acting? Ok action !!! Ah you is how the heck, easy-acting period so can not … Come on Laura … seriously .. !!! professional dong !!! Adi grumble grumble. We must retake until 5 times for the same scene. “Ahhhh mas Adi ,, I’m tired dong repeated again here !! “Laura protested. With a frown she took
a position further still with doggy style: “Eh mas Don, this scene yuukk try to be fully appreciated. Mas Don according to Laura wrote it together. “” Ok Action !! “shouted Adi. Suddenly Laura batangku closer interesting and surprising he pressed my thighs with his feet, of course batangku chief urges her warm vagina. “Just put Adi mas mas … do not look really … enter Hurry mas …” she whispered. Because I looked doubtful, she immediately grabbed batangku hand and pressed enter. Laura immediately trumpeted, knowing batangku including large.
By moving the body inevitably, batangku out into Vnya miss many times, made terkaget shocked, bristling my body chills. It turned out so it feels making love. “Get out rather quickly enter mas … come on … it was fine really …” she whispered urgently with a slight groan, his teeth a little bit her lower lip .. “Good !!! acting nice .. !!! This new professional name !! Adi shouted from afar. “” Quiet Don mas, mas Adi … do not know if real entry. Abis he’s angry … angry only slightly suppressed dong please … rather quickly ahhh ahhh favors mas..
ayo while squeezing my chest ahhh … “she started babbling. “Laura … .ooooh … truly remarkable … ouch ..gimana neeeh if out …” I whispered frantically. Keluarin wrote in palace mas … it was fine … ahhh DELICIOUS sehhh has Don..ayo mas mas less pressed … Laura moaned. Because it has been given permission I would not hesitate squirt sperm in the. Crazy !! It feels incredible. “Ahhh already not a virgin anymore neeh”
Laura smiled. “It seems we are to continue after this ..” she murmured. “Mas Adiiii … break out yeah … I want to pee !!!” She ran to the back so that sperm does not melt inside out. While I just gawking terkaget surprised to see rapid motion. Rush rush I pulled the towel around me cover batangku wet. “Ok … we break, is further abis ya !!!” Adi said …: “Eh Don why loe pale face so …? Loe is not until ejaculation right? I cut the stems until squirt loe if my wife .. “Adi said jokingly. Hhhhh Adi … try if you know ….,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,